When is Minnesota Mermaid open?

Short term rentals ranging from 2-4 hours available weekdays (4-7pm in September) and weekends. Check out our summer events in the events tab.  Long term rental available 7 days a week ranging from 1/2 days to full week.

What locations are available?
Minnesota Mermaid's primary location is board pickup/dropoff in Prior Lake. We will give you plenty of recommendation on where to take rental boards!
Classes and camps are held at Charlie's on Prior, Watzl's Beach, or Antler's Park. 


What ages can paddle?

Parental signature required for individual rentals under 18. Youth under 10 can ride with an adult, not another youth. 

How early should we book?

For hourly rental reservations recommended at least 24 hours in advance. For parties and events, please reach out at least a month prior. 

How large of a group can you accommodate?

Rental size cannot exceed 8-10 boards per group. For larger groups, it is recommended to be split into rental into shifts. 

Do you sell boards? 

We have used boards for sale as well as other outdoor gear during various times of the year. Check out our Lake Gear Tab through our used goods Inguadona Outfitters for what we currently have available. 

What happens if the weather impacts my rental?

If the wind is exceeding 10 mph or there is lightning, Minnesota Mermaid may ask you to change your rental time and/or refund all charges. Times can be rescheduled anytime throughout the season.